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For years, our operations have spanned the breadth of major plays, extending from NE BC to SE Sask. As we continuously explore new territories, we remain committed to accessibility and the profitability of producers' portfolios. With our extensive expertise in the Duvernay, Montney,  Clearwater, Cardium, Glauc and Belly River plays, we have strong field experience in these prominent formations.  Plug and perf, ball drop, sleeve frac, abrasive jet frac, various packer isolation and snub frac operations are all in our wheel house.  However, we are not confined to these boundaries. Our dedicated field personnel, including myself, have delved into numerous formations, adapting to the ever-shifting dynamics of cost structures, infrastructure, and the critical metric of IRR , longevity, enhancement and repairs.

Our unwavering confidence and complete comfort in tackling any challenge or program underscore our readiness to address your diverse project needs. You can rely on us to deliver exceptional results.



At Adaptive, we have a wealth planning, technical, project experience as well as field expertise in various oil & gas w completion technologies. We have and do work along side all disciplines of the industry building solid reliable partners to help encompass all aspects. We can get or find you just what you need.

Our contributions have been instrumental in the successful setup & execution of numerous projects in the Clearwater, Montney, and Duvernay regions. We've played a pivotal role in delivering commitment, integrity and a keen eye for cost-effectiveness in our daily approach to all aspects of our business.


We believe that thinking outside the box often leads to the most significant cost efficiencies, and we are dedicated to delivering the best value for your investments.

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